Friday, 7 January 2011

RollBack Rx 9.1 Full Crack File & Keygen Generate

Assalammualaikum semuanya. Lama ea tidak kemaskini blogger aku kali ini, maklum la banyak kerja. Pada kesempatan kali ini aku tunaikan salah seorang kawan yang me-request "RollBack Rx 9.1 Full Crack File & Keygen Generate"??(~_^)cekidot

Rollback Rx telah merevolusi Pemulihan cepat dan mudah untuk mengembalikan PC up-to-the second of a disaster tanpa kehilangan data. Rollback Rx adalah-sederhana yang sedia untuk digunakan, kos kaedah berkesan, real-time dari hard disk, dan fail - menyediakan sistem pemulihan disaster mutlak.

(Screenshot cara menggunakan KeygenGenerate nya)
Features :-
Support for Windows 2000, XP, VISTA, Windows 7
Custom setup options
Advanced Setup with program configurations
Advanced Setup Configuration Wizard (ASCW)
Deploy with network shares
Deploy with client side scripts
Deploy with server side deployment software
Deploy with Windows active directory
Deploy with Ghost system images
Restore system from local sub O.S.
Restore system from local Windows
Restore system from remote web interface
Restore system with batch files
Restore system on restart
Restore system on log off
Restore system on a one time schedule
Restore system on a daily schedule
Restore system on a weekly schedule
Restore system on a monthly schedule
Snapshot current system before restoring
No data lost system restore
Recovery of corrupted, deleted files
File history reversions
Maximum snapshots 60,000
Lock snapshots
Delete snapshots
User defined snapshot properties
View snapshot properties on local PC
View snapshot properties through web interface
Create a new snapshot from the local sub O.S.
Create a new snapshot from local Windows
Create a new snapshot from remote web interface
Create a new snapshot with a batch file
Create a new snapshot on system restart
Create a new snapshot on a one time schedule
Create a new snapshot on hourly schedule
Create a new snapshot on daily schedule
Create a new snapshot on weekly schedule
Create a new snapshot on monthly schedule
Create scheduled snapshot within time range
Create a new snapshot based on a user defined event
Lock scheduled snapshot
Manage snapshots from a central web interface
Reset system to baseline
Create a new baseline
Disable access control
Built-in administrator account

Macam mana?? Langsung aja download, link download ada dibawah. Jangan lupa baca file "ReadMe.txt" di dalam file RAR, selepas kamu semua selesai memuat turun.

Password :
Link Download RollBack Rx Disini.

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